Davie Ciaran
Priestess of Oschon

Davie's Profile

The basics
Age: Early 30s
Birthday: 32nd Sun of the 2nd Astral Moon
Race: Au Ra, Xaela
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Marital Status: Single
The body
Hair: Dark, either braided or kept short.
Eyes: Red
Height: 5' 2"
Build: Small, wiry, evidence of malnourishment.
Distinguishing Marks: Oschon's staff has been branded into the midnight scales on her forehead.
The personality
Impenetrably upbeat and positive, Davie sees the best in everyone. Though she is a deeply religious woman, her faith is rooted in a very localized interpretation of Oschon, and the ways it expresses will catch many by surprise. She is open and warm, and will talk your ear off if you let her, though as with many healers she has her own wounds hidden away.
Davie has spent the better part of the last decade floating around the continents, picking up odd jobs as she could, but mostly depending on alms and the support of others to get her by. The bubbling personality has rubbed many bar-patrons wrong, since the Xaela has a distinct lack of an 'Off' button.
Since her disappearance and subsequent return to Ul'dah, Davie is slightly more reserved. Careful when alone with others, she still smiles wide, but caution radiates from her.
Davie's Hooks

Abducted: One night, Davie locked the room of her medical clinic, and then never unlocked it. When it was re-opened, left behind was all of her equipment and belongings, but no Priestess. With no connections to pursue her disappearance, many moons passed before rumors began to spread of a woman wandering the crypts of Ul'dah that would match her description. Barefoot and filthy, she sported a dazed expression and a memory riddled with holes. One thing was certain; she didn't want to leave the crypts.
Priestess: One of Oschon’s Travelers, she can offer blessings and prayers for safe journeys. Anyone who is about to travel, or would like to make amends for something they regret, or say offer farewell prayers to their family or friends that have passed, could reach out to Davie and be met with open arms.
Basic healing: Though not gifted magically, Davie is an experienced medic and can stitch up a bad cut, tend a bruise, or set bones. She works well under pressure, and if someone needed a small, nimble, practical combat medic to accompany them into danger, Davie could be your girl!
Island Born: Sailors who frequent the southern stretch of ocean below Limsa Lominsa may have passed by her small island. It would be remembered as a safe place to port for the night, though the folk who lived there were a little… “kooky.” A gathering of religious people who follow the Twelve with various levels of intensity: you could certainly get a good meal, a warm bed, and often company for it all if you wanted… For the small price of spending the night with very loud, very chatty, missionaries.
Vagabond: For the last decade, Davie has wandered the world without home or family. Maybe your character hosted her for a night, or bought her a meal, or helped her get through a dangerous area... Or, perhaps your character robbed her, or scammed her out of something, or attacked her while she was unprotected. I am open to any of these scenarios, and the subsequent RP that could come from them!
Bar fighter: Davie will always take up the offer to fight. She is not the strongest, and she is not practiced with any weapons to speak of, but the Au Ra loves a good hand-to-hand match and bounces surprisingly well when thrown.

Davie OOC

Howdy howdy howdy! I am a 21+ year old woman who has been RPing in games for over a decade now, and as such I have a lot of experience with a wide variety of styles. I am a competent DM, but honestly my preference always tends towards being a supporting player in someone else's story arch. I like to help get players from point A to their point B or beyond!
I am, as much as I can be, lore strict. I like grounded, realistic adventures that are outside of Hero of Light fantasy. I totally respect and value that RP, and can roll with it when it happens around me, but my preference lands towards the characters who aren't "overpowered".
Though Davie is a very "Good" aligned character, she can fit in well with extremely dark themes and can serve as a fantastic foil in syndicate work or something similar. I'm very good at maintaining OOC against IC relationships, and don't take very much personally! On that same note, I do enjoy romance arks with my characters but please don't expect or hope for anything to build beyond the IC dynamic.
I appreciate checking for consent before you do something to my characters, but I hold the view that I am ultimately responsible for their fates and will put a pretty firm (but kind) foot down on godmodeing if I feel like I need to.
I'm game for:
Violence/dark/heavy RP
Slice of life
Friendly combat
Short term or longterm friendships, alliances, partnerships, you name it.
Slowbuild romance (I am strictly fade to black on ERP but open to the arks!)
Please feel free to reach out to me on Discord, Olabisi#9804, or in game with Davie Ciaran, if you would like to RP! GMT-6 timezone, I can be pretty flexible with notice, on what times I can be around!